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  3. How to Create and set up a PeerMark Assignment

How to Create and set up a PeerMark Assignment

How to Create and set up a PeerMark Assignment

This guide shows instructors how to setup a PeerMark assignment for their course. PeerMark allows students to give feedback to each other’s submitted assignments. To use PeerMark in Brightspace, a new PeerMark assignment must be created from within the Content section of your course as follows.

1. Click on Content in you course’s Navbar.

2. Select the Submodule in which you want your PeerMark assignment to be.

3. Click on Existing Activities

4. Choose Turnitin PeerMark.

Creating PeerMark Assignment from within Content.
Creating PeerMark Assignment from within Content.
    Note: When you create a PeerMark assignment, Brightspace will automatically create a grade item in your gradebook for this assignment. The weight of this separate grade item will automatically be 10%. You may modify this Grade Item as any other Grade Item in your Gradebook.

5. Fill-in the settings for the assignment:

  • Add a title under Title.
  • Add a description under Instructions (optional).
  • Specify the maximum score under Max Grade.
  • Enter the start date, deadline and date the feedback will be released under Start Date, Due Date and Feedback Release Date, respectively.

6. Tick the box to Enable PeerMark

7. You may modify specific settings under Optional Settings (optional)

8. Click Submit.

Settings for PeerMark.
Settings for PeerMark.

You may change further settings for the Assignment by doing the following:

9. From within your Content, click on the PeerMark assignment you’ve created.

10. Go to the PeerMark Setup tab.

11. Under Additional Settings, modify the settings you desire.

  • With Award maximum points on review you can choose whether students will automatically receive the maximum number of points after writing a review.
  • With Students can view the names of their peers during review you can choose whether students can see the name of the person they are reviewing as well as the names of those who reviewed the student’s paper.
  • With Students without a submission can review you can choose whether students can review other assignments without handing one in themselves.
  • With Automatically distribute papers for review you can choose how many assignments students will receive to review.
  • With Students can selfselect papers for review you can choose how many assignments the students can choose to review. Enter 0 here if you do not want students to choose assignment themselves.
  • With Students must review their own paper you can choose whether students have to review their own assignments.
Additional settings for PeerMark Assignment.
Additional settings for PeerMark Assignment.

12. Click Save & Continue

    Note: If desired, you may change the Start Date, Due Date and Feedback Release Date here. These dates refer to the assignment itself, and not for the part where students have to hand in their peer review.
    Note: The dates you set in in Turnitin for the PeerMark assignment are not automatically transferred to Brightspace. This is because PeerMark is used as an external learning tool. However, you may set up the start date and end date in Brightspace to define when item is visible.
    Note: The dates set of the peer feedback cannot be earlier than the dates of the assignment itself. The Feedback Release Date cannot be before the Due Date.

PeerMark Questions

If you want students to answer specific questions while assessing, you can set these up by using PeerMark Questions.

1. Click on the PeerMark assignment.

2. Go to the PeerMark Setup tab.

3. Click on PeerMark Questions.

4. To create a new question click on Add Question.

Adding a new question to a PeerMark Assignment
Adding a new question to a PeerMark Assignment

5. In the pop-up complete the question settings.

  • Free Response will allow you to set up an open-ended question for students to answer. A set amount of characters must be specified.
  • Scale lets you choose a scale size for students to provide a number. Lowest and Highes values must be specified.

6. Click Save

7. When done, exit by clicking on Content on your course’s Navbar.


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