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  3. Creating Special Access for Assignments

Creating Special Access for Assignments

Creating Special Access for Assignments

Instructors can use Special Access rules in a Assignment to provide students with alternate time restrictions, alternate attempt limits, or alternate due dates separate from the options set in Properties section of the assignment. To create a Special Access rule on an existing assignment, follow the steps in this article.

1. Click Activities > Assignments from the navbar.
2. Click on the chevron next to the assignment you want to alter, then select Edit.
3. Click on the Restrictions tab, next to Properties.
4. Scroll down to the Special Access section, and select one of the two options listed:

a. Allow users with special access to submit outside the normal availability dates for this folder: provides special access rules to specified students while still allowing all other students access to the assignment with the regular access rules.

b. Allow only users with special access to see this folder: will only allow students selected for special access to see the assignment, all other students will be unable to see or complete the assignment.

5. Once decided on the type of Special Access, click on Add Users to Special Access.

Accessing the Special Access settings.
Accessing the Special Access settings.

Under “Special Access Properties”, you can set the following options:

a. Due Date: Click on the checkbox next to “Has Due Date” to set an alternate due date. Setting a new due date will not affect a students access to the assignment, but will change the date for when a assignment submission is marked as Late.

b. Availability:Click on the checkbox next to either Has Start Date or Has End Date to set the respective option. Setting a start date will change what day the assignment becomes available for a student to complete. Setting an end date will change what day the assignment becomes locked and can no longer be submitted.

6. Under “Users” select the students you wish to apply the Special Access rule to. 

Note:  If you wish to have separate due dates for different sections of your course, click on the User drop down menu and select Sections, then hit the Apply button.  Next, select the first section whose due date you wish to set and hit the Apply button a second time.

7. Once all the desired students (or course section) are selected, click Save to apply your Special Access rules.

Note:  For courses with multiple sections, you will need to repeat this process until each section has its own due date.

Selecting users to add to special access.
Selecting users to add to special access.



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